27 April 2023MIST to set up a booth at International Education EXPO Tokyo Spring 2023
Musashi International School Tokyo (MIST) will set up a booth at International Education EXPO Tokyo Spring 2023 on Saturday, May 13.
Parents and prospective students may visit MIST's booth and learn about our school while also exploring and gathering valuable information about international education in Japan.
Go to https://www.gsacademy.com/online-school/gsa-events/international-education-expo-2023 for more information about this event.
You may register to attend the event at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd9NF3taDLz-hTnRlgrEDDEoXp1mNiKjAEVo50TOnkxR7kYOA/viewform
Musashi International School Tokyo (MIST)は、5月13日(土)に開催される、International Education EXPO Tokyo Spring 2023にブース出展いたします。
イベント詳細につきましては、https://www.gsacademy.com/online-school/gsa-events/international-education-expo-2023 よりご覧ください。