31 March 2023Announcement regarding Admission Process for School Year 2023-2024
Musashi International School Tokyo (MIST) is pleased to announce that the application for School Year 2023-2024 admission is now open.
Due to growing demand for admission that the school has seen recently, especially for our elementary school (Cambridge Primary), there will be two phases of the admission processes with Year 1 to Year 6 classes. Please refer to the details below.
Furthermore, we were also making a new floor plan for the kindergarten (K3-K4) to ensure that it should have sufficient classroom space for its instruction. Thus, applicants to MIST Kindergarten is asked to wait to make application fee payment until we finalize and announce the plan and class-size.
Application for mid-year admission for School Year 2022-2023 remains open. Please note that Year 1 and 2 classes for this current school year are full with waitlisted applicants.
The applications are submitted only by the online format. Please go to https://lais.openapply.com/.
<School Year 2023-2024>
Kindergarten (K3-K4): Accepting Application
[Jan 12 update]
MIST Kindergarten is now accepting applications for admission to school year 2023-2024.
However, the school is still in process of finalizing the facility plan to accommodate children. Until we finalize the floor, please refrain from making the application fee payment.
Elementary School (Year 1 -Year 6*)
(For Year 3, please read "Note to Year 3 Applicants" below)
[Closed] Phase 1: Selective Admission Procedure (Only for September admission)
Application submission period: November 14, 2022-January 31, 2023
*To move onto the interview, all required documents, including the recommendation letter and the application fee payment, must be completed before the assessment interview.
Assessment Interview: January-February, 2023
Exact interview schedule is to be determined by January 31, 2023
Notifying result: March 1-3, 2023
Based on the content of application materials and performance at the assessment interview, applicants receive following results:
- Accepted- The applicants may proceed further in the procedure
- Waitlisted- The applicants may be invited to proceed if an accepted applicant declined to proceed or failed to pay the registration fee by the due date.
- Declined- The applicants may not proceed further in the admission procedure.
Registration fee due: March 24, 2023
Remaining initial and annual fees due: July 21, 2023
*Due dates for fees are applicable only to students who received “accepted” results.
<Note to Year 3 Applicants>
Because the current (School Year 2022-2023) Year 2 is full at this time and has no plan of increasing the class capacity, we may not be able to accept new students to Year 3 for school year 2023-2024. If no vacancy appears, the applicants with successful assessments will be given "Waitlisted" result.
[Now Open] Phase 2: Regular Admission Procedure
Application submission period: After February 1, 2023~
*Only applicants for grade levels that have vacancies may move onto the assessment interview.
*To move onto the interview, all required documents, including the recommendation letter, must be completed.
Assessment interview: After April 10, 2023
Notifying result: Within a week after the interview.
Registration fee due: Two weeks after the notice of result
Remaining initial and annual fee due: July 21, 2023
*Due dates for fees are applicable only to students who received the “accepted” result.
Vacancy (As of March 31, 2023)
Year 1: 13
Year 2: 7
Year 3: Full
Year 4: Some
Year 5: Full
Year 6: Some
Middle/High School (Year 7-Year 13)
Regular admission procedure
Application submission period: After November 14, 2022~
*Only applicants for grade levels that have vacancies may move onto the assessment interview.
*To move onto the interview, all required documents, including the recommendation letter, must be completed.
Assessment interview and subject tests: After April 10, 2023
*Contents of tests may vary depending on the grade-level, the content of the report cards and transcript submitted.
Notifying result: Within a week after the interview.
Registration fee due: Two weeks after the notice of result
Remaining initial and annual fee due: July 21, 2023
*Due dates for fees are applicable only to students who received the “accepted” result.
*Year 10-11 and Year 12-13 are IGCSE and A Level respectively, both of which are two-year long programs. Generally, these programs only accept students for September admission.
Students' grade level are determined by their age as of 1 September. For example, Year 1 Students for School Year 2021-2022 have reached age of 5 as of 1 September, 2021 (including students whose birthday is 1 September).
For questions regarding the admission procedures, please inquire at admissions@mist.school.
Musashi International School Tokyo (MIST)の2023-2024年度の願書受付が開始されました。
近年、特にMIST初等部(Cambrige Primaryレベル)での入学希望者増加を受け、Year 1からYear 6の9月入学願書受付は2段階に分けて行うこととなりました。詳細は、下記をご確認ください。
今年度(2022-2023年度)中途入学は、引き続き願書を受け付けております。今年度のYear 1とYear 2は満員となっており、キャンセル待ち状態となっておりますので、ご留意ください。
<School Year 2023-2024>
幼児部 (K3-K4): 願書受付中
(1/12 update) 幼児部の入園申し込みを開始いたします。なお、幼児部のフロアプランについて、最終調整中でございます。プランが確定するまで、入学検定料(Application fee)の振り込みはお待ちいただきますようお願いいたします。
初等部 (Year 1-Year 6)
(Year 3に出願される場合は、下記の「Year 3出願についてのお知らせ」をご確認ください)
[終了]一次募集: 選抜審査
出願期間: 2022年11月14日-2023年1月31日
*面接審査へ進むためには、推薦状(Recommendation Letter)、入学検定料(Application fee)の入金を含む、出願書類の提出・完了が必要となります。
面接審査: 2023年1-2月
結果通知: 2023年3月1日‐3日
- 合格(Accepted)ー入学手続きを先へ進めることができます。
- 補欠合格(Waitlisted)ー合格した入学希望生が、入学辞退をしたり、登録料のお支払いがなされなかった場合に、繰り上げ合格となり、手続きを進めていただきます。
- 不合格(Declined)ー手続きを進めていただくことができません。
学校登録料入金期限: 2023年3月24日
その他初期費用・年間学費入金期限: 2023年7月21日
<Year 3出願についてのお知らせ>
今年度(2022-2023年度)のYear 2は満員であり、現在、定員を増やす計画もありませんので、2023-2024年度のYear 3についても、新入生の受け入れができない可能性があります。空きができない場合、選抜審査で優秀な成績だった生徒には、「補欠合格」となります。
[受付中]二次募集: 一般入学審査
出願期間: 2023年2月1日以降
*面接審査へ進むためには、推薦状(Recommendation Letter)、入学検定料(Application fee)の入金を含む、出願書類の提出・完了が必要となります。
面接審査: 2023年4月10日以降
結果通知: 面接後1週間以内
学校登録料入金期限: 結果通知から2週間以内
その他初期費用・年間学費入金期限: 2023年7月21日
Year 1: 13
Year 2: 7
Year 3: Full
Year 4: Some
Year 5: Full
Year 6: Some
中等部・高等部(Year 7-Year 13)
出願期間: 2022年11月14日以降
*面接審査へ進むためには、推薦状(Recommendation Letter)、入学検定料(Application fee)の入金を含む、出願書類の提出・完了が必要となります。
面接審査・科目試験: 2023年4月10日以降
面接審査: 2023年4月10日以降
結果通知: 面接後1週間以内
学校登録料入金期限: 結果通知から2週間以内
その他初期費用・年間学費入金期限: 2023年7月21日
*Year 10-11はIGCSE、Year 12-13はA Levelというそれぞれ2年間プログラムとなり、原則として9月入学のみの募集となります。
例:2022-2023年度のYear 1は、2022年9月1日に5歳になっている生徒(9月1日生まれも含む)が対象となります。