News 校园动态
13 April 2021LAIS Summer School 2020 - Application is Now Open!
LAIS seasonal programs not only boost your English proficiency at once but also provide fun learning opportunities in the STEAM field (STEAM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics). This year, we will implement Japan's first robotics program in English in collaboration with Makeblock Japan.
LAISの季節プログラムは、英語力を一気に引き上げるだけでなく、STEAM分野(STEAM=Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths)についても楽しく学びます。今年はMakeblock Japanと連携した日本初の英語でのRoboticsプログラムを実施します。
● Schedule
- Week 1: July 20-22 (3 days)
- Week 2: July 27-31
- Week 3: August 17-21
● Hours
- Program 1: Kindergarten/Beginner’s Class 8:30-14:00 (Extension available till 17:00)
- Program 2: Advanced Class 8:30-14:40 (Extension available till 17:00)
● Age
- Program 1: 3 years old - 8 years old
- Program 2: 6 years old - 10 years old
● Class: Grouped by age and English level
● Program: We offer an English+STEAM program in collaboration with Makeblock. // 英語力をアップすると同時に、日本初導入の英語ロボットプログラミングもあります。
- To join program 2 Program 2について:
- Pre-assessment required. // 英語力の事前テストがあります。
- Target: Returnee children, advanced English students such as international school students.
● Tuition (tax included, JPY)
- 1 Week: 60,000 (Week 1 July 20-22: 36,000)
- 2 Weeks: 110,000 (88,000 if Week 1 is included)
- 3 Weeks: 130,000
*Sibling Discount: 10% (If the number of weeks of participation differs, the discount will be applied to the sibling with fewer participation weeks.)
● Others Fees
- School lunch (optional): Kindergarten - 350 yen/day, Elementary - 380 yen/day
- School bus: 1,000 yen/day(Please contact the school for detailed information including bus stops and schedule.)
- Bus A: Musashino-shi, Ogikubo Suginami-ku area (up to 6 years old)
- Bus B: South Mitaka, Chofu area (up to 6 years old)
- Bus C: Shinagawa, Meguro, Nakano, Suginami, Kichijoji area
- Bus D: Mitaka Station, Nishi-ogikubo area (up to 6 years old)
- Extension (child care): Kindergarten - 450 yen/30 minutes, Elementary - 300 yen/30 minutes
- スクールランチ(オプション):Kindergarten - 350円/日、Elementary - 380円/日
- スクールバス:1,000円/日(バスストップ、スケジュールにつきましてはお問い合わせください。)
- Bus A:武蔵野市、杉並区荻窪方面(小1まで対象)
- Bus B:三鷹市南部・調布市方面(小1まで対象)
- Bus C:品川/目黒/中野/杉並/吉祥寺方面
- Bus D:三鷹駅、西荻窪方面(小1まで対象)
- 延長保育・学童:Kindergarten - 30分あたり450円、Elementary - 30分あたり300円
● About Makeblock
Makeblock’s robotics programming products have reached more than 15 millions users from over 140 countries, and are used in more than 25,000 schools for their STEAM education around the world.
Every year, Makeblock holds a robotics programming world competition called MakeX. This year, the Japan competition will be held in Aoba-Japan International School, our group school, in Hikarigaoka. Champions will be participating in the world competition, which the advanced class of LAIS Summer School 2020 will aim at.
Reference 参考リンクなど
MakeX World Competition Video (English with 日本語字幕)
MakeX 2020 Tokyo(日本語)
Website of MakeX World Competition
● Application お申込み
To apply, please submit your application via Google Form by Monday, July 13. (If you are applying for more than one child, please submit one form for each child.)
サマースクールご希望の方は、7月13日(月)までにGoogle Formからお申込みください。(兄弟で申し込む場合は1人ずつお申し付けください。)